These are papers collected by Eugene Brand during his tenure as the ILCW project director and as a participant in the ILCW's Liturgical Text Committee; they are not the official records of the ILCW. Also included are some files that relate to the ILCW and its work that were created after it was disbanded when Brand was serving as Director for Studies at Lutheran World Ministries (LWM) in New York. Materials were produced by the church bodies that participated in the ILCW. The files contain minutes and agendas, reports, hand-written notes, correspondence, articles, press releases, and music manuscripts. Some materials are in German and Norwegian. The Holy Communion rite was prepared by the Liturgical Text Committee (LTC). The file contains reports, surveys, press releases, correspondence, and articles (published in the Lutheran Forum, The Lutheran Standard, and The Lutheran) regarding the Holy Communion rite. Musical Settings of the Holy Communion includes correspondence, articles, and music manuscripts. The correspondence and articles regard the three musical settings chosen for the Holy Communion rite in the Lutheran Book of Worship. The first was written by Richard Hillert, a professor at the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) Concordia Teachers College at River Forest (now Concordia University); the second by Ronald A. Nelson, Director of Music at Westwood Lutheran Church in St. Louis Park, Minnesota; the third was an adaptation by Gerhard M. Cartford of the Swedish recension of the plainsong "Missa orbis factor." The music manuscripts contained in this file were commissioned from Calvin Hampton, organist and choirmaster at the Calvary Episcopal Church in New York. The ILCW Correspondence is arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent. Correspondents include staff of the worship departments and presidents of The American Lutheran Church (TALC), the Lutheran Church in America (LCA), and the LCMS. Major topics are responses to Contemporary Worship (CW) materials, articles published regarding the CW materials, committee actions and meetings, and questionnaires sent out to clergy. Papers regarding the Liturgical Text Committee (LTC) comprise a significant portion of this series. They include minutes, correspondence, drafts of the CW series publications such as the calendar, holy communion, and initiatory rites. Also included are records of the LTC sub-committees on Daily Offices, Eucharistic Canons, Prayers, and Sickness and Death.